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Welcome to The French Tech Journal by Chris O'Brien. I’m an American journalist based in France since 2014. Previously, I spent 15 years covering Silicon Valley for the LA Times and San Jose Mercury News.
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Under construction for now, as they used to say in the olden web days. But here’s the mission: In the 6 years I’ve been in France, the French Tech scene has transformed into a dynamic, entrepreneurial engine. While there is growing coverage of the nation’s startups in the French press, my goal is to create an English-language publication that shines a light on the most interesting entrepreneurs, startups, investors, and innovations. From early-stage to digital transformation at large enterprises, from breakthrough products to cutting-edge research, there are a wealth of stories to tell.
Why subscribe?
Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter and website. For the first few weeks, the newsletter will be published once each week. Then I’ll add a paid tier with more exclusive content, including interviews, trends, and analysis.
Now what?
In the coming weeks, you can help get this off the ground by spreading the word and offering feedback on what you’d like to see in terms of English-language coverage of French Tech. Drop me a line at with your thoughts and ideas.
In the meantime…
You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox. I’ll try not to spam you as I work out the kinks.