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The French Tech Journal's mission is to bring more English-language coverage to France's dynamic innovation ecosystem. That includes French entrepreneurs, startups, VCs, and digital transformation at corporations whether they are based in France or part of the diaspora around the world.

The French Tech Journal is an independent, reader-supported publication. These organizations have graciously backed our mission.

Featured Sponsor: Omena

Omena is a support app for menopausal women. Our goal is to provide support for menopausal women (only 6% of current femtechs address the issue) advice and information on symptoms and risks.

Discover Omena

Meet Our Sponsors

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Sponsorship packages:

  1. Logo displayed here
  2. Each week a sponsor is featured: Larger display here, shoutouts on our social media channels, logo and text featured in the newsletter.
  3. 5 paid subscriptions to distribute
  4. Discounts on partnership events such as moderation services, and Superpeer calls.
