What: Diamfab, a deeptech company using synthetic diamonds to make semiconductors.
Why: To produce lighter, more temperature-resistant and energy-efficient semiconductors to fuel the next generation of power electronics in electric vehicles, industry, or electricity distribution networks.
Funding: €8.7 million
Who: Co-Founders Gauthier Chicot & Khaled Driche
Investors: Asterion Ventures, Bpifrance, Kreaxl, Better Angle, Hello Tomorrow, Grenoble Alpes Métropole
What's next: This initial fundraising will allow Diamfab to create a pilot line to pre-industrialize its technology, accelerate its development, and meet the growing demand for diamond semiconductors.

What: Firecell, a developer of 5G connectivity hard and software solutions for enterprises.
Why: To democratize 5G private networks by providing affordable open-source solutions tailored to the needs of businesses.
Funding: €6.6 million
Who: Co-Founders Claude Seyrat & Olivier Dhotel
Investors: Ventech, Matterwave Ventures, Bpifrance, Bouygues Telecom Initiative
What's next: Develop a new range of products with features such as geolocation and protection against cyber-attacks. Deploy Firecell's offering in Europe, notably in Germany, the leading European industrial market, where the startup is establishing a subsidiary. Recruit around fifteen people (sales, R&D, etc.).

What: Airthium, a Deeptech developer of innovative high-temperature heat pumps (up to 550°C) for industrial heating.
Why: To reduce global CO2 emissions by replacing gas heating in the industrial space with a solution that is highly energy efficient, low carbon, and cost-effective.
Funding: €3 million
Who: Co-Founders Andreï Klochko & Franck Lahaye
Investors: Daphni, Eren Groupe, and Polytechnique Ventures.
What's next: The company has plans to start developing heat pumps of different sizes to reach 20 MW by 2030.

What: Self & Innov a SaaS fintech specializing in innovation financing consulting for SMEs.
Why: to make innovation aids more accessible to SMEs by accompanying them at each step of their financing application process (eligibility diagnosis, tax credit calculation, dossier drafting and construction etc.).
Funding: €1.5 million
Who: Co-Founders Matthieu Bacquin & Sylvie CamachoInvestors: GSO Innovation, Crédit Agricole Aquitaine Expansion
What's next: The startup plans to enrich its offer and fuel its nationwide expansion with the opening of 8 new offices over the next 18 months.

What: Libu, a startup specializing in biomimetic lighting reproducing the natural light of the sun for use in workplaces.
Why: To allow the body to naturally resynchronize with its internal biological rhythms, generating benefits validated by scientific studies, including a 25% reduction in perceived stress.
Funding: €1 million
Who: Co-Founders Tinou Seguin & Manon LoustauInvestors: 3A Venture, Arts et Métiers Business Angels, Synergence, Adour Business Angels & INSEAD Business Angels
What's next: The cash will be used to accelerate the large-scale commercialization of Libu's solutions, which adapt equally well in the workplace, at home for telecommuting, or even for nomadism, improving the health and performance of employees.

What: Viqthor, a Deeptech company specializing in electronics and photonics for use in quantum computers.
Why: To help scale quantum computing so that it becomes useful for humanity.
Funding: €1 million
Who: Co-founders are Guillaume De Giovanni, Arnaud Perrin, and Jérémie Theze
Investors: Better Angle, Apok Invest, iXCore, Business Angels
What's next: The funding will help the startup to advance its R&D efforts and bring a prototype to the market.