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Looking Beneath The Web3 Surface with Timmu Tõke Of Ready Player Me

Timmu Tõke, CEO at Ready Player Me, joined Chris O'Brien, editor of The French Tech Journal, on stage at TechChill to discuss the future of the virtual economy.

Chris O'Brien chats with Timmu Tõke Of Ready Player Me at TechChill 2022 in Riga.
Chris O'Brien chats with Timmu Tõke Of Ready Player Me at TechChill 2022 in Riga.

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A lot of hype surrounds Web3, a key concept that promises a better method to secure digital ownership of virtual goods.

Timmu Tõke, CEO of Ready Player Me, has been working on virtual goods via his company, which has developed a cross-game avatar platform for virtual worlds used by more than 6,000 companies.

Tõke says his company is on a mission to break down the virtual walls to build a more open and connected metaverse. The company has attracted $72 million in venture capital from a16z, Plural, Konvoy Ventures, Justin Kan (co-founder of Twitch), Tom Preston-Werner (co-founder of Github), Riccardo Zacconi (co-founder of King) and others.

He joined Chris O'Brien, editor of The French Tech Journal, on stage at TechChill to break down how Web3 and tools like NFTs are building a new virtual economy.

