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France’s big challenge: Solving its rural broadband problem

France’s big challenge: Solving its rural broadband problem

Closing the broadband gap between cities and rural areas could test its commitment to “egalité.” In the latest report onEuropean broadband rates from the European Commission [] , released this week, France comes out looking just fine at first glance. The annual report measures

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Today in French venture capital: Donecle, Boxtal, Tribe

Today in French venture capital: Donecle, Boxtal, Tribe

Boxtal: Located in Paris, this company (formerly ‘Envoimoincher’) was founded seven years ago to help small businesses make deliveries so they can compete in e-commerce. The company changed its name in September as it seeks to take a more international approach. Boxtal said it raised $7.7 millionfrom Idinvest Partners,

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